Chris Rodriguez wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks very much to everyone for this list-serve, and especially to Rob 
> and Bill for helping me so much with this.  I'm basically using Bill's 
> code (below) and I have it doing what I want.  So yay, mission 
> accomplished, basically, but two peculiar glitches gum things up and 
> slow me down.  I'd like to ask about those as it would be sweet to get 
> around them.
> I have to repeatedly check a bunch of scripts for the possibility they 
> may have infinite loops.  I occasionally get an error message reading:
> Win32::Process::Create : at line 46.

I don't - what are the conditions when this happens ?

> That refers to the line in the code that's similar to the message 
> itself.  Win32::Process… etc.

What's the exact message ?  I added $^E in code below which may help.

> A second issue is that this all runs many thousand times slower than it 
> used to.  

There is another delay on the wait that will cause the output to delay
more for each script started.  I lowered it from 200 to 10 below.
This version will start as many finishing or non-finishing scripts as
you like and let you know what happened.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::Process;

my $Perl = $^X;
my $timeout = 10 * 1000;                # timeout after 10 seconds
my $wait_delay = 10;                    # msecs to wait for each child wait

my $num_children = 32;                  # total children
my $fraction_to_hang = .5;              # percetage of children to hang

my $tmp = $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP} || 'C:/tmp' || 'C:/temp';
open OUT, ">$tmp/foo1"; close OUT;      # empty log files
open OUT, ">$tmp/foo2"; close OUT;      # empty log files

my @children = ();
# you could make this a hash and store more than the object (script name
# and pid for example)

for (1 .. $num_children) {              # start n children scripts

        # just use two scripts - 1 exits and the other hangs
        # finishes in 4-5 seconds; hangs

        my $num = 1; $num = 2 if $_ > int ($num_children * $fraction_to_hang);

        my $script = "infinite$";
        print "Starting script $_ using $script ";
        my $obj = run_process ($script, $_);

        my $pid = $obj->GetProcessID();
        print "pid=$pid\n";
        push @children, $obj;

my $start = Win32::GetTickCount();      # start timer

# check for children still running or timeout

my $finished = 0;
my $killed = 0;
my $kill_failed = 0;
while (1) {

        # do for each child

        my $num_left = 0;
        for (my $ii = 0; $ii < @children; ++$ii) {

                my $obj = $children[$ii];
                next if $obj == 0;

                # reap any finished children

                my $res = $obj->Wait($wait_delay);      # wait for child
                if ($res == 1) {
                        $children[$ii] = 0;
                        my $pid = $obj->GetProcessID();
                        print "Reaped $pid\n";
        last if not $num_left;          # none running if 0

        # check for timeout

        my $diff = Win32::GetTickCount() - $start;
        print "num_left=$num_left, diff=$diff\n";
        last if $diff > $timeout;       # timeout after n seconds
        sleep 1;                        # give up some CPU

print "kill remaining scripts if any\n";
foreach my $obj (@children) {           # kill any scripts still running
        next if $obj == 0;
        my $pid = $obj->GetProcessID();
        my $exit = 0;
        if (Win32::Process::KillProcess($pid, $exit)) {
        } else {
                warn "Kill failed for $pid";
        print "kill $pid ($exit)\n";
printf "%3u scripts finished OK\n", $finished;
printf "%3u scripts were killed\n", $killed;
printf "%3u scripts failed to be killed\n", $kill_failed;
exit 0;

sub run_process {
        my $script = shift;
        my $copy_num = shift;

my $pobj;
Win32::Process::Create($pobj, $Perl, "perl $script $copy_num", 0,
   DETACHED_PROCESS, '.') or die "Win32::Process::Create $script: $!($^E)";
return $pobj;


#!perl --

use strict;
use warnings;

my $copy = shift || 0;

my $tmp = $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP} || 'C:/tmp' || 'C:/temp';
open OUT, ">>$tmp/foo1";
binmode OUT; select ((select (OUT), $| = 1)[0]);
for (1 .. 2000) {
        print OUT "$copy: $0\n";
        sleep 2;
close OUT;

#!perl --

use strict;
use warnings;

my $copy = shift || 0;

my $tmp = $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP} || 'C:/tmp' || 'C:/temp';
open OUT, ">>$tmp/foo2";
binmode OUT; select ((select (OUT), $| = 1)[0]);
for (1 .. 2000) {
        print OUT "$copy: $0\n";
        sleep 2;
close OUT;


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