"Paul Rogers [CE]" wrote:
> > Does this mean we will FINALLY be able to drop all the PPM crap and just
> > invoke the Visual Studio C compile where necessary on ANY CPAN module?
> > Ah, the simplicity of
> >
> > perl Makefile.PL
> > make test
> > make install
> And what's so complex about...
>  ppm install module-name

> Nothing really.  The bigger problem with many CPAN modules is not the
> M.PL/test/install sequence it's that many mods require other utilties which are
> normally only found on unix systems.  

That was my implied point.

The other big deal is having to wait for PPM builds. This integration
sounds like we should be able to return to the CPAn stuff direct.

> In any event, I'm still awe struck by the "Visual Perl" announcement.  However,
> the concept does sound intriguing.  Having a hard time accepting that MS is so
> closely embracing perl.

MS isn't. Sounds to me like AS is doing all the work, attaching to MS's
apis. Maybe you can thank US Justice Dept for even getting MS to be
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