Scott K Purcell wrote:
> But anyway what is Phython,

A spelling mistake :-). Python is an interpreted language by Guido van
Rossum, named after "Monty Python" and not after a snake. Its most striking
feature is that whitespace is significant: instead of using braces to
delimit blocks, you use indentation. Another thing that's characteristic for
it is what might be called in Perl-land "there's usually only one way to do
it", contrasting with Perl's TMTOWTDI, but potentially leading to less
maintenance hassle down the read because while you might know five ways to
solve a problem, the person whose code you have to maintain chose a sixth
way which you have to understand.

> and where could I find out what it is,

> and if it would be useful to me?

Try it and see. Or post to comp.lang.python and/or search the Deja archives
for that group, to see what other people's experiences with the language


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