On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 10:21:40AM -0500, Matthew Horsfall (alh) wrote:
> Howdy,
> I'm trying to garner some interest in a Perl XS beginner/intermediate
> group/community.
> I was wondering if we could sort of "take over" this list, and by that
> I mean start using it and broadcasting it for XS beginners and up to
> ask questions, share knowledge, etc.
> Would that be an acceptable use of this list or should we start our own?

Counting your message, I see six messages on this list in the last six
months, and 20 in the last year.  The list description, on
http://lists.perl.org/list/perl-xs.html is "A list for people interested
in XS."

FWIW, I would be very happy to see this list used for that purpose.  And
thanks for taking the initiative to do this.

Paul Johnson - p...@pjcj.net

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