> I've always wished it was the famous "do what I mean" operator:
   >         if ($a eq "input") {
   >           ... # let perl figure out what to do here
   >         } else {
   >           print "I need more input!\n";
   >         }
   > That'd make "rapid application development" truly possible.
   > Maybe we can code it up with "Quantum::Superpositions::any"?

Easy. I'll just add a C<thing> operator to Q::S. It would take no
arguments and return a (lazy?) list of every possible Perl subroutine.

            use Quantum::Superpositions '@thing';

            if ($a eq "input") {
              (any thing)->(@_);
            else {
              print "I need more input!\n";


PS: Can you tell whether I'm joking?

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