El Saturday, 07 de April del 2018 a les 16:47, Siavash va escriure:

Don't know if there is a better way, but assuming you don't have control
over the data, you can do this:

my Bag $docents = @rows.map(*.pairup).Bag;

This is what I was looking for! I did not came across the 'pairup' method. Many thanks! Cheers!
On 2018-04-07 10:10:52 GMT, mimosinnet wrote:
Hi all,

I do not seem to be able to get this done with the Bag or BagHash

dd @rows;

Output: Array @rows = [["JF", 1], ["JF", 2], ["MM", 2], ["MPu", 2],
["MM", 2], ["FE", 2], ["FV", 2], ["MPu", 2], ["JP", 2], ["JP", 2],
["FV", 2], ["FV", 2], ["JF", 2], ["MM", 2], ["MPu", 2], ["MM", 2],
["FE", 2], ["FV", 2], ["MPu", 2], ["JP", 2], ["JP", 2], ["JF", 4]]

my %docents;
for @rows -> @row {
        %docents{ @row[0] } += @row[1];

dd %docents;

Output: Hash %docents = {:FE(4), :FV(8), :JF(9), :JP(8), :MM(8),


As I understand it, this would better be achieved with the Bag or
BagHash type. What would be the easy way?



Joan Pujol Tarrés
Departament de Psicologia Social
Facultat de Psicologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Despatx: B5-036 (Passadís Departament Psicologia Social)
Edifici B, 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), Fax: +34 935812001


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