Hi All,

I am writing a clean up routine to relive my spot back ups
of junk in Blink browser directories that are meaningless to
a backup and that take up a lot of space.

These directories are long and have random characters
for files names, such as "adcocjohghhfpidemphmcmlmhnfgikei"

How who you go about figuring out who was random and
who was not.  I am thinking first the length and then
the absence of capitol letters and spaces and underscores.

Your take?

Many thanks,

$ ls ~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser
 adcocjohghhfpidemphmcmlmhnfgikei   GrShaderCache
 afalakplffnnnlkncjhbmahjfjhmlkal   hyphen-data
 aoojcmojmmcbpfgoecoadbdpnagfchel   iblokdlgekdjophgeonmanpnjihcjkjj
 apfggiafobakjahnkchiecbomjgigkkn   InterventionPolicyDatabase
 AutofillRegex                      iodkpdagapdfkphljnddpjlldadblomo
 AutofillStates                    'Last Version'
 bfpgedeaaibpoidldhjcknekahbikncb  'Local State'
 biahpgbdmdkfgndcmfiipgcebobojjkp   MEIPreload
 BraveWallet                        mfddibmblmbccpadfndgakiopmmhebop
 BrowserMetrics-spare.pma           NativeMessagingHosts
 cdbbhgbmjhfnhnmgeddbliobbofkgdhe   OnDeviceHeadSuggestModel
 CertificateRevocation              oofiananboodjbbmdelgdommihjbkfag
 CertificateTransparency            OptimizationHints
 cffkpbalmllkdoenhmdmpbkajipdjfam   OriginTrials
 chrome_shutdown_ms.txt             persisted_first_party_sets.json
 ClientSidePhishing                 PKIMetadata
 component_crx_cache               'Safe Browsing'
 CrashpadMetrics-active.pma        'Safe Browsing Cookies'
'Crash Reports'                    'Safe Browsing Cookies-journal'
'Crowd Deny'                        SafetyTips
 Default                            segmentation_platform
 Dictionaries                       ShaderCache
 ECSerivceProvidersConfig           SSLErrorAssistant
 extensions_crx_cache              'Subresource Filter'
 FileTypePolicies                   TLSDeprecationConfig
'First Run'                         tor
 Floc                               TpcdMetadata
 gccbbckogglekeggclmmekihdgdpdgoe   Variations
 gkboaolpopklhgplhaaiboijnklogmbc  'Webstore Downloads'
 GraphiteDawnCache                  WidevineCdm
 Greaselion                         ZxcvbnData

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

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