At 2:49 PM +0000 1/31/02, Tim Bunce wrote:
>On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 10:47:36AM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
>>  For various reasons, some of which relate to the sequence-of-integer
>>  abstraction, and some of which relate to "infinite" strings and arrays,
>>  I think Perl 6 strings are likely to be represented by a list of
>>  chunks, where each chunk is a sequence of integers of the same size or
>>  representation, but different chunks can have different integer sizes
>>  or representations.  The abstract string interface must hide this from
>>  any module that wishes to work at the abstract string level.  In
>>  particular, it must hide this from the regex engine, which works on
>>  pure sequences in the abstract.
>I hope someone volunteers to start looking into implementing that soon
>(if no one has already).

Yup, in progress.

There is an issue of time--what do we do, for example, in the case:

    my $pi = Pi::Generate;
    if ($pi =~ /[a-z]) {
      print "There's a letter in here!\n";

if Pi::Generate returns a generator object that will calculate pi for 
you to however far you want, that regex will run forever or until it 
runs out of memory, whichever comes first.

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                       teddy bears get drunk

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