On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
: On Monday, October 28, 2002, at 09:58  AM, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
: > Does xor really need the punctuation?  Does xor really need to be a
: > primitive?
: Though bitwise xor is seldom used for most people, other versions are 
: likely to be more frequent: the 'superpositional' flavor, for example, 
: is likely to have significant meaning.  Same with 'none', I expect.
:     &     |     \     !
:    all   any   one   none
: So supporting a punctuation for xor-like operations is more useful than 
: it might at first appear.

Well, I don't believe in "none" since it's really easy to say !any(), but 
exclusive-or can certainly use the punctuation.  Or, actually, I'm currently
thinking, non-punctuation.  I kept thinking to myself that it's a shame
that x is already taken, and then I looked crosseyed at the // vs \\
proposals, and I realized we have a superposition of / and \ that is
spelled "X".  :-)

So at the moment I'm thinking we have

    $a X $b     # super xor
    $a XX $b    # logical high precedence xor
    $a X= $b    # assignment xor
    $a +X $b    # intbits xor
    $a ~X $b    # strbits xor
    $a ^XX $b   # hyper xor
    $a xor $b   # low precedence xor
    +X $a       # int complement
    ~X $a       # str complement


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