Maybe we've gone over this before but, if so, I don't remember ...

On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 05:16:48PM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> hyperoperators:
>    [op]  - as prefix to any unary/binary operator, "vectorizes" the 
> operator

>    .     - method call on current topic

What would [.]method() mean?

>    <      >     <=    >=    ==    !=    <=>      - comparision
>    lt     gt    le    ge    eq    ne    cmp

What do these do?

        if $a [<] @b { ... }            # if $a < all(*@b)              ???
        if @a [<] @b { ... }            # if $a[0] < all(*@b) && 
                                        #    $a[1] < all(*@b) &&
                                        #    $a[2] < all(*@b) &&  ...  ???

>     &       |       ^               - superpositional operations

        $a [&] @b                       # all($a,*@b)           ???
        @a [&] @b                       # all(*@a,*@b)          ???

>    =>   - pair creator

        %hash = (@a [=>] @b);           # %hash{@a} = @b;       ???
        %hash = (@a [=>] $b);           # %hash{@a} = ($b) x @a;        ???
>    ,    - list creator

        @a = ($b [,] @c);               # @a = ($b, *@c);       ???

>    ;    - "greater comma", list-of-lists creator
>    :    - adverbial

I'm not even sure how to hyper these two.  I guess if I had an array
of "range objects" I could hyper ;

Would this write to several filehandles?

        print @file_handles [:] "fooey!\n";

>    ..   - range

And this is the one that made me start thinking about hypering the

        @a = @b[..]@c   # @a = ($b[0]..$c[0], $b[1]..$c[1], ...) ???
        @a = $b[..]@c   # @a = ($b..$c[0], $b..$c[1], ...)      ???
        @a = @b[..]$c   # @a = ($b[0]..$c, $b[1]..$c, ...)      ???

I know that this stuff probably seems obvious to everyone, but I'd
rather have it explicit just in case  :-)

Jonathan Scott Duff

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