Currently, calling get_integer on a ParrotClass returns the attribute
 count, so you can do:

    newclass P1, "Foo"
    addattribute P1, "foo_i"
    addattribute P1, "foo_j"
    set I1, P1
    print I1

 and the code will print '2'. Will this be part of the new API, or is it
 simply a relic of the previous implementation.

 Similarly, calling get_integer_keyed_str with a fully-qualified attribute
 name returns the attribute offsets, meaning that this:

    newclass P1, "Foo"
    addattribute P1, "foo_i"
    addattribute P1, "foo_j"
    set I2, P1["Foo\x00foo_j"]
    print I2

 prints '1' -- is this part of the API or not?

 Finally, a number of the current tests seem to rely on being able to
 set and get attribute values with the syntax:

    set P2["Foo\x00i"], 10
    set P3["Foo\x00i"], 20
    set I2, P2["Foo\x00i"]
    set I3, P3["Foo\x00i"]

 (where P2, P3 are objects of class Foo, and Foo has an attribute i).
 Is this part of the API?


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