(You're probably getting sick of these by now...)

 Should asking for a non-existant attribute cause Parrot to throw an
 exception. Currently, it doesn't seem to be able to make up its mind
 -- this:

    newclass P1, "Foo"
    find_type I0, "Foo"
    new P2, I0
    getattribute P3, P2, -2
    getattribute P3, P2, -1
    getattribute P3, P2, 0
    getattribute P3, P2, 1

 completes silently, but if we ask for an attribute with an offset >= 2
 or <= -3, we get an "Array index out of bounds!" exception. Which is the
 correct behaviour?

 (Incidentally, I get the same behaviour with setattribute).


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