On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 04:50:38PM -0400, Matt Creenan wrote:
> To expand on this...
> How will you be able to access shared libraries with native code, such as  
> DLLs on windows?  Is there a way to do this proposed for Perl6 yet?  If  
> so, is it possible in PUGS?

It is possible in Pugs's Haskell backend by using the experimental,
unspecced (and will probably be changed) eval_haskell() primitive
to natively call Win32 DLLs.

Alternatively, you can write modules using the experimental,
unspecced (and will probably be changed) syntax:

    module SHA1-0.0.1;
    inline Haskell => '
    import qualified SHA1
    sha1 :: String -> String
    sha1 = SHA1.sha1

Inline::C support is also trivial, by translating the C signatures
into Haskell FFI calls, and adding them to Pugs.External.C.

In Pugs's IMC backend, I expect the same syntax to still hold; I have
started investigating interop with Parrot/Tcl, and it does seem

Bringing the topic back to perl6-language, I'd like to inquire
how eval and inlining other languages works.  Here's some thoughts:

    eval('printf("Hello!")', :language<C>);

    inline C => '...';
    inline C => =<foo.c>;

If there is some consensus on this, I'd like to change Pugs's
existing `eval_perl5()` and `inline` syntax to agree with it.


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