the 'detatch' threads test hangs on win32. this small patch skips one

Could you try the following code('the detatch' threads test with one tweak) and tell me if it hangs either and what output you get?

find_global P5, "_foo"
new P2, .ParrotThread
find_method P0, P2, "thread3"
new P6, .TQueue # need a flag that thread is done
set I3, 2
invoke # start the thread
set I5, P2
getinterp P2
find_method P0, P2, "detach"
defined I0, P6
unless I0, wait
print "done\n"
sleep 5 # Maybe a race condition?
.pcc_sub _foo:
print "thread\n"
new P2, .Integer
push P6, P2 # push item on queue

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