On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 09:55:05AM -0200, Adriano Rodrigues wrote:
> On 11/9/06, Patrick R. Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Opinions welcome.  Personally I think I favor the "a compiler is
> >an object with a 'compile' method" model, and that C<compreg> gives
> >us back a compiler object as opposed to a subroutine-like thing.
> Would it not be possible to support both?  

Sure, it's possible to support both -- we can even handle both
types within the existing Parrot framework.  I think I'm basically 
asking which model will be considered the "Parrot standard"?

> The usage patterns could be something like:
>   .local string perl6_source
>   .local pmc perl6_compiler
>   perl6_compiler = compreg 'Perl6'
>   $P0 = perl6_compiler(perl6_source)
> (Yes, the same as Patrick's first snippet.) And then
>   perl6_compiler = compreg 'Perl6', OBJ # OBJ is some constant
>   $P0 = perl6_compiler.'compile'(perl6_source)

We could do this now without requiring an additional parameter
to C<compreg>, by adding suffixes to the compiler name.  For example:

    $P0 = compreg 'Perl6_sub'    # get subroutine view of compiler
    $P0 = compreg 'Perl6_obj'    # get object

But I find the suffix (or the use of an extra parameter) a bit
overblown.  I'd rather come up with a standard API for compilers
that supports all of this, and then individual compiler subs can
deviate from that standard if it's really appropriate.

I've also just written a HLLCompiler base class (I would've called
it 'Compiler', but that name is currently taken in Parrot) that 
makes it easy to wrap a sub into a compiler object.  Thus 
registering a new compiler becomes:

    load_bytecode 'Parrot/HLLCompiler.pbc'
    .local pmc compile_object, compile_sub
    compile_object = new [ 'HLLCompiler' ]
    compile_sub = get_global 'name_of_compile_sub'
    compreg 'MyCompiler', compile_object

Using the compiler is then:

    .local pmc mycompiler
    mycompiler = compreg 'MyCompiler'
    $P0 = mycompiler.'compile'(source)

Thanks for the excellent comments!


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