Hello, all-

I've been working on the 0.4.9 release; so far things seem to be
going reasonably well.  Many thanks to Jerry Gay and others who
have come before me for cleaning up the release process and making
sure the various NEWS/STATUS docs are up to date!  It's really quite
straightforward now.

I do have a couple of questions, however, especially for the
people who have been working on release management in the past.
I want to make sure I understand them a bit more before cutting
the release.  (Also, for some reason I've been extremely fatigued
all day today and thus making small mistakes... so I think I prefer
to take one night's rest and get it right in the morning, than to
force it out this evening and perhaps have to clean up a lot of
small mistakes.)

1.  The t/library/pg.t tests require libpq.so to be installed
in order to run -- should I be testing ('make fulltest') with
this library installed?

More generally, is there a specific set of platforms I should
be performing 'make fulltest' on prior to release?  And do I
need to be maximizing test coverage by making sure certain
libraries or capabilities are available on my test platform(s)?
The libpg.o is one example... but what about things such as
ICU, readline, and the like?

Again, it's no problem for me to install the libraries -- I'm
just curious about the correct procedure so I can document it
for later release managers.)

2.  In r17137, I'm getting one test failure from 'make fulltest':

Failed Test          Stat Wstat Total Fail  List of Failed
t/pmc/pmethod_test.t    1   256     2    1  2

Anyone know anything more about this failure, and should it just
be marked 'TODO' or shall I see about fixing it?

3.  The release instructions don't make any mention of verifying
MANIFEST or running 'make manitest' -- should this be a required
step in creating a release?  Or is it happening somewhere that
I'm not seeing?

4.  Anyone have a good name for the release?  I'm satisfied with
    leaving 0.4.9 unnamed unless there's a sense that we really
    need to name it (in which case I'll come up with one or
    accept suggestions from others :-).

Any answers will be greatly appreciated -- I'll update 
RELEASE_INSTRUCTIONS with whatever we come up with, and then
publish 0.4.9!



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