On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Luke Palmer wrote:

> Er, sorry, that's IMCC's fault.  This works:
>     new felix, $I0

Yep! Thanks!

Here's a short example of the final script:

.sub _main
   .local object Cat
   .local object felix
   newclass Cat, "Cat"
   find_type $I0, "Cat"
   new felix, $I0
   $P0 = new PerlString
   $P0 = "felix"
   setprop felix, "name", $P0
   getprop $P1, "name", felix
   print "the cat's name is "
   print $P1
   print ".\n"

> I know PerlArray accepts and stores properties: my compiler uses them.
> PerlHash probably does too.

Yeah, but I felt silly passing around a Hash or Array. :) I ALMOST
went withi this though until you showed me how to get the instantiation
working. :)

> And thanks again for all the work you're doing on Python :-)

Thanks for the register-stacks-for-continuations patch!
That should fix some bugs I've got with generators. :)


Michal J Wallace
Sabren Enterprises, Inc.
hosting: http://www.cornerhost.com/
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