On Wed, Nov 24, 2004 at 04:25:14PM -0500, John Siracusa wrote:
> On 11/24/04 3:42 PM, Felix Gallo wrote:
> > Well, it's the first time *I've* seen it.
> > 
> > http://otierney.net/images/perl6.gif
> > 
> > I find it difficult to disagree, at the perl6 language level.
> I don't :)  Judging by the Perl 6 RFCs, I think that book cover would be
> accurate if "the community" really did design Perl 6 in the absence of
> Larry.  Fortunately, that's not the case.  I think Perl 6 is a lot cleaner
> than Perl 5 in addition to being much more powerful.

This would doubtless be a very long discussion :), so I will stop
my contribution to the thread with the following notes:

1.  I ran the Obfuscated Perl contest for many years, and even I draw
the line at purposefully obfuscated language design documentation
_release methods_.  Sly obfuscated cuteness has gone from 'rife' to
'pathologically endemic', in both design and presentation.  IMHO.

2.  "perl 6 is a lot cleaner than perl 5".  It's also much, much
larger than an already very large language.  I've been programming
and evangelizing Perl in organizations small and gigantic since
4.03x, and my eyes just glaze over at all the unnecessarily
surfaced complexity bound to make reading other people's programs
finally, at last, literally impossible:


I'm not going to use perl 6.


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