On Jan 6, 2006, at 4:11 PM, Alberto Simoes via RT wrote:

[coke - Tue Jan 03 18:03:31 2006]:

OS.pmc should provide both a:


And a


This needs some more discussion. If we look to Perl, for instance, it
doesn't have a built-in copy. You should use either a module, or open
both files, copy contents, and close both files.

You assume cp semantics. What about preserving metadata? What about multiple forks? What about per-file properties that are invented after you ship your code? And what if the source and destination are on the same file server?

Thus, what I ask if we should have a copy method on OS.pmc.
Basically, I think we have three hipothesis:

1) do not implement copy at all.

You are in a maze of twisty little ad-hoc, informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementations of file copy, all different.

2) implement it under os.pmc, in C
3) implement it somewhere else in PIR

Given that we have (I think) all the needed instructions in PIR, it will
be a lot easier to make copy portable using the third choice... but I'm
not sure if Parrot will ship with a PIR library...

Please, share your ideas.

I'd like to see every OS get a chance to provide its own file copier. This is important to Mac users, since resource forks may exist and the AppleShare protocol (AFP) allows for intra-server file copy. The same arguments also apply to other file systems.

The Genie kernel (part of Lamp, a Unix-like environment on Mac OS) has a copyfile() system call for just this purpose. The knowledge of how to copy a file correctly in a Mac environment (which is non-trivial) is encapsulated in a single place, and usable by any program, either directly through the system call, through cp (for shell scripts), or through a module-loading interpreter.

For more typical systems, supply copyfile() in a library as you would a missing kernel call.

This usage assumes that copyfile() blocks until completion. Clearly there will be a desire for a concurrent processing mode as well.


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