Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 11:00:31AM +0200, Allison Randal wrote:
We'll likely end up with messages scattered between both lists for a little while, but the perl6-internals/parrot-porters addresses are deprecated and will be disabled after a sensible deprecation cycle (and after the automatic RT posts have been shifted to parrot-dev).

Will we also be able to get svn commits to the new mailing list, or at least to *a* mailing list?

The svn commits are a different mailing list, which will stay where it is until we move the subversion server to (Then the new commits mailing list will be [EMAIL PROTECTED])

The new mailing list will not automatically update tickets in the RT queue, for that CC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on the message.

Wouldn't it be possible to have the new mailing list manager check for [perl #nnnnn] in the message subject and automatically forward
it (controlling for loops as appropriate)?

Yes, almost certainly. But we're also moving to a new ticket queue, so I'd rather not invest the time in hacking up the new infrastructure to interface with the old infrastructure.

There's a question on the new system of whether we should continue to have tickets forward to the main development list like we do now, or have them forward to a separate 'parrot-tickets' mailing list like we do with commit log messages. What seems best to you all? (If we do separate the lists, anyone has the option to have them all file into the same mail folder, it just gives others the option of separating ticket traffic from regular messages.)


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