> Damian Conway wrote:
   > > 
   > >    > Regardless, you can already do this in perl 5, and will undoubtedly
   > >    > be able to do it in perl 6, with source filters. (If Damian can
   > >    > write perl that looks like Latin or Klingon, then python ought to
   > >    > be simple... :)
   > > 
   > > I have a module (Language::Pythonesque) on that... :-)
   > But it's not on CPAN, or is it?

No. It's far too evil to be on the CPAN.
   > Or is this a joke?

No. You can download it from:


   > In any case where is a good place to look for example code on source
   > filters?

The CPAN. Look at Switch.pm or (the soon-to-be-released)


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