I wish I knew why you are discussing in -internals issue on this list.
You should be specifying behaviour not how it is implemented. A mention
of implementation is reasonable but _don't_ spend too much time. If Larry
wants it. -internals will give it to him.

Anyway, please recall that because of threading concerns, the final
internal form of any compiled piece of code will be as immutable as
possible. So that if another thread needs to reslurp a module, the
compiled form will be available.

Of course, some initializations would have to be rerun, but that is
minor compared to the other costs.

Remember specify _as if_ it would do X. -internals will make it so.
As fast as possible. 

(Of course some requests will not be doable and some revisitin will
have to be performed but the first cut should not be too concerned.)

>>>>> "SWM" == Steven W McDougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

SWM> Based on your examples, I have to assume that you are serious about
SWM> RFC1v3 item 6:

SWM> 6. Modules should be loaded into the thread-global space when used
SWM>    [...]
SWM>    Subsequent threads should then reslurp these modules back in on 
SWM>    their start up.
SWM>    [...]
SWM>    each thread needs to reuse the original modules upon creation.
SWM>    [...]
SWM>    This, of course, could lead to massive program bloat

SWM> This is a non-starter for me. Right now, I am working on apps that may
SWM> create 10 threads per *second*. I cannot possibly get the performance
SWM> I need if every thread has to recompile all its own modules.

SWM> We could either discuss alternate approaches for RFC1, or I could
SWM> submit a new RFC for a thread architecture that gives me the
SWM> performance I want.
Chaim Frenkel                                        Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               +1-718-236-0183

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