On Sat, Sep 02, 2000 at 03:13:17AM -0700, Matt Youell wrote:
> What happens when the base classes' author finally fixes the problem
> you wrote around (and incidentally changes touchy implementation
> details in the base)?  What happens someday when you can't see the
> implementation of the base class that you are inheriting from? 
> Ack!!! =^)

Yes, welcome to the dirty, icky real world.  Life sucks, people will
write bad code, you will have to inherit from it.  Sometimes you have
to break a little encapsulation to make an omlet.  I'd rather it was
not so, but its better to accept it and deal than deny.

Of course, I'm sure Damian's hat isn't out of rabbits yet.


Michael G Schwern      http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just Another Stupid Consultant                      Perl6 Kwalitee Ashuranse
<mendel>         ScHWeRnsChweRN    sChWErN   SchweRN  SCHWErNSChwERnsCHwERN  
    sChWErn  ScHWeRn      schweRn           sCHWErN           schWeRn   
scHWeRN     SchWeRN      scHWErn SchwErn       scHWErn       ScHweRN      
sChwern       scHWerN        scHWeRn           scHWerN        ScHwerN      
SChWeRN scHWeRn           SchwERNschwERn        SCHwern  sCHWErN   SCHWErN   

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