On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 02:51:20PM -0400, John Porter wrote:
> Peter Scott wrote:
> > Filehandles should use C<*> as a type prefix if typeglobs are eliminated.
> I missed previous discussion of this (if there was any),
> but it's an idea I've already thought about.
> It has my vote, fwiw.

I have to say I prefer the "filehandles are one thing -> we do the work needed
to make them work with a $ prefix" idea that (if I understood correctly), tom
was proposing. It already almost works with stuff like IO::File, we just
need to get rid of the OO part.

It changes less than having every existing script that uses typeglobs behave
very strangely - even more so than if we just removed typeglobs.

I'd also like some 'what are you' introspection I can do on all scalars, on
a more formal basis than 'ref'. Either an expansion of the 'ref' functionality
to cover filehandles, or a more general system...

(said in ignorance of the internals[1], just on the Be-Nice-If logic).

[1] of course we don't _have_ internals yet, so that's not a problem.

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