John Porter wrote:

> Glenn Linderman wrote:
> >
> > What good are comments if you can't find them when you need them?
> There's not thinging to stop you from writing
>         qc/*************** MAGIC HERE *****************/;

Oh so true, but there's nothing that makes me want to do that either.
When using an inline comment, I want to spend my character budget mostly
on the comment, and just enough on the delimiters to see it
effectively.  #< magic here ># would do quite nicely, and is quite
related to existing Perl comment syntax.

> Nor from typing
>         /qc
> in vi (if you use vi).
> --
> John Porter

Oh so true, but there's nothing that makes me want to do that either.
When reading a script, I'd like to be able to quickly distinguish the
comments using my eyeballs and brain, without the need to involve my
fingers and editor.... and not all scripts are in my editor (which isn't
vi) anyway.  Some are on glossy magazine paper, which makes it
annoyingly difficult to involve my editor (without, if available, first
downloading the script from somewhere).

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