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=head1 TITLE

Controllable Data Typing

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Syloke Soong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 10 Aug 2000
  Last-Modified: 12 Aug 2000
  Version: 2
  Number: 89


Provide a choice for a programmer to define non-convertible and
semi-convertible variables with explicit data-types.


Current intelligence and flexibility of Perl variables are extremely
indispensable.  However at times this feature is also extremely
inconvenient. As an example, character string "007" is often mistaken as
int 7. So that concatenation of a variable strings "001999", "." , "03"
to form an output filename could, unless with more extensive treatment,
form a filename of 1999.3 instead.  Attempts at storing into a hash with the
key "007" or "  7" rather than 7 is a trying experience. Not to mention
attempts at reading a hash using similar keys.

A compromise between dead-bolted types and liberal types is struck through
constrained and controllable typing. There is a hint of polymorphic behaviour.


Retain current flexibility of Perl liberal variables.
Provide a new form of declaring variables:

        scope cast-type $varname:constraint;

Valid declarations would be:
        my $varname;
        my (var-list);
        my cast-type $varname;
        my cast-type (var-list);

        my $varname:constraint;
        my (var-list):constraint;
        my cast-type $varname:constraint;
        my cast-type (var-list):constraint;

        my $varname:(constraint-list);
        my (var-list):(constraint-list);
        my cast-type $varname:(constraint-list);
        my cast-type (var-list):(constraint-list);

=head2 Simple examples

        my $old;
        my int $k;
        my varchar $str;
        my char(5) $zip;
        use CGI; my CGI $q;
        my Net::SNPP ($pg, $pq);

        my int $a = 3.9;
        my int $ceil = 3.9 + 0.5;
        my int $i = 'hello';
        my double $f1 = 'hello';
        my double $f2 = $a;

$old is the declaration of a liberal type;
$a evaluates to int 3; $ceil evaluates to int 4; $i evaluates to int 0;
$f1 evaluates to double 0.; $f2 evaluates to double 4.;

=head2 Constant constraint

A constant confered by the keyword const creates a final value; That value stays
immutably the same throughout the scope of its existence.

        my $a1:const;
        my int $k1:const;
        my varchar $str1:const;

        my $a21:const = '023';
        my $a22 = 3 + $a21;
        my $a23 = 3.$a21;

        my int $k21:const = '023'; 
        my int $k22:const = 23;
        my varchar $str21:const = 3;
        my char $str22:const = 3;
        my char(1) $str22:const = 3;

        my Net::SNPP ($pg, $pq):const;
        my Net::SNPP ($pr, $ps):const = new Net::SNPP ;
        my Net::SNPP ($pt = $pu, $pv):const = new Net::SNPP ;
        use strict(constcroak);
        $str22 = 'hello';

$a1, $k1, $str1 are henceforth  constantly null liberal, int and varchar respectively;
$$a21 acquires constant value of char(3) '023';
$a22 acquires variable value of liberal-type  26;
$a22 acquires variable value of liberal-type  3023;

$k21, $k22 both acquire constant values of int 23;
$str21, $str22, $str23 all acquire variable values of char(1) 3;

$pg and $pq henceforth vainly reference null objects of Net::SNPP;
Whereas $pr, $ps, $pv usefully and loyally reference separate objects of Net::SNPP;
$pt and $pu both reference the same Net::SNPP object constantly.

The strict directive, default being noconst (disregard any harassment on a const),
is set to croak when an attempt to change the value of constant $str22 is made. Use of

        use strict(constdie);

should also be an option.

=head2 Constraint lists

        my $id:(double,int);

        my int $id1:(double,int) = 1.7;
        my int $id2:(varchar, double) = 2.6;
        my int $id3:(varchar, double, int) = 2.6;
        my char $c1 = 'a';
        my char $c2:char = 'a';
        my char $c3:(char) = 'a';

        my $id4:(varchar, double, int) = 2.7;
        my $id5:(varchar, double, int) = 3;
        my $id6:(varchar, double, int) = 'Fatrick Perlland';

$id is constrained to behave either as double or int;
$id1 is constrained to behave either as double or int, but int casting initialises
it to (double,int) 1;

$id2 and $id3 are similar declarations such that a cast not found in the constraint 
will be spontaneously added to the constraint list; Both acquires (varchar, double)
value of 2.6;

Declarations of $c1, $c2, $c3 are all equivalent forms. Declaration of $c1 follows the
rule of spontaneous appending a cast to its constraint list.

$id4, $id5, $id6 are constrained to behave either as varchar, double or int;
$id4 acquires value of (varchar, double, int) 2.7;
$id5 acquires value of (varchar, double, int) 3;
$id6 acquires value of (varchar, double, int) 'Fatrick Perlland';

=head2 Conditional constraints

        my $allowedtypes = [int,varchar];
        my $ivd:@$allowedtypes;
        if ($somecondition){push @$allowedtypes , double}

Initially $ivd would be allowed the behave either as int or varchar.
On condition $somecondition, it is allowed an additional degree of freedom
of double due to appendage to the array referenced by $allowedtypes.

=head2 Suitability and precedence in constraint lists

The member types chosen as the snap-shot type depends on the rules in order.
First, suitability. Then precedence.

        my $ie4:(varchar, double, int, char(16)) = 2.7;
        my $ie5:(varchar, double, int, char(16)) = 3;
        my $ie6:(varchar, double, int, char(16)) = 'Fatrick Perlland';

The declarations has types in the following precedence:
1st varchar, 2nd double, 3rd int, finally char(16).
$ie4 is assigned value 2.7 as double is the most suitable type to receive it.
$ie5 is assigned value 3 as int is most to receive it.
$ie6 has as candidates varchar and char(16), but since varchar is declared in
precedence to char(16), the receiver is a varchar. The inclusion of varchar(16)
is in vain as varchar completely over-rides it.

=head2 Mutable representation of constants

While the value of a constant is immutable, its snap-shot representation is not.

        my $oxygen:(const, char(4), int, double) = '3.3';

        print "#", $oxygen."oxymen\n";
        print "#", $oxygen + 4 , "oxylady\n";
        print "#", $oxygen + 1.5 , "foxylady\n";        
        print "#", int ($oxygen + 1.5) , "dixieland\n";
        print "#", ($oxygen + 1.5):int , "dixiechicks\n";
        print "#", ($oxygen + 1.2378):decimal(3.2) , "Reba\n";
The following STDOUT results:
# 3.3oxymen
#  4.53Reba

=head2 type casting

        my $perl:(int,varchar, double);
        my double $isnotc:(varchar, double) = '4.5'; # $isnot casted to receive double 
        int $perl = $isnotc; # $perl casted to receive int 4
        int $isnotc = $perl; # Do nothing, $isnotc does not have constraint type int

        use strict (croakbadcast);
        int $isnotc = $perl; # Do nothing but a croak will be forthcoming from Perl 

        use strict (diebadcast);
        int $isnotc = $perl; # Do nothing and die

        int $cisnot = $perl; # $cisnot is a new variable and takes on the constraint 

=head2 What about hash and arrays

There has been questions - what about hash and arrays?. If they are to be considered
as types then the following is possible.

        my \@ $aref; #equiv to: my $aref:(\@) = [];
        my \% $hfer; #equiv to: my $href:(\%) = {};
        my int @href; #array of ints
        my CGI @AQ; #array of CGI objects
        my CGI %HQ; #hash which has values resolving to CGI objects     

=head2 What about pointers to const

In the declaration

        my int $maine:const = 12;

$maine loyally references an immutable memory location. Shall there be such where
$mall is a mutable variable allowed to reference only constants? Hmmm...

        my int $mall:\const = 13;

There's a hint of wanting Perl references to behave as pointers
and that's not a good attitude. However an array of hash of constants may be declared
and each pigeon hole of the array or hash may reference only constants.

        my int $shania:const = 11;
        my int @twain:const = ($shania); #valid assignment
        my int $alberta = $twain[0];

#Perl is not C.


Use of colon is plagiarised from email discussions with/from

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