Jeremy Howard wrote:
> This is one of those
> few cases where VB has nicer syntax--within a 'with' block you have to
> precede a property name with '.' to get the with block scope:
>   dim height as double
>   dim ws as new Excel.worksheet  // 'worksheet' has a 'height' property
>   with ws
>     print .height   // Accesses ws.height
>     print height    // Accesses me.height
>   end with
> Whatever syntax we go with to get 'with' type scoping, please let's make
> sure that we can still access the default scope within the block.

Lets use hats again then.

                print ^$height; #prints $ws{height}
                print $height;  # perl5 visibility rules

AFAIK, the entirety of %name{something here} is unplowed ground, as
far as perl syntax goes.

                          David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      Does sell a discordian calendar?

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