> I was wondering this morning whether we ought to write the Perl 6
   > parser as a set of recursive regexes. 

That would also solve one of my nagging headaches:

        RFC XXX: Parse::RecDescent 2.0 *is* Perl 6.0

Of course, then we'd have to have Perl 6 out "by Christmas"!



PS: I case anyone missed it, I was pointing out that beefing up the regex
    engine until it was capable of implementing fully-fledged parsers would 
    make it vastly more useful to those of us who are fully-fledged parsers.
    If this were done, I would envisage that the RecDescent module would
    simply become a kinder, gentler interface to the horrors of the new
    regex syntax that would be required. The various parsing modules might
    also be a source of useful ideas and metaphors for the new regex

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