Peter Scott wrote:
>       for my($x, $y, $z) (@list) { ... }
> ...
> IANAPE (I Am Not A Parsing Expert).  So I thought I would see if anyone who 
> was could say whether this construct would really give the parser problems 
> or whether looking ahead for the block will disambiguate.

Well, I think it's likely that the perl6 parser would be made to
handle this; but even if not, it shouldn't be too hard to get it
to allow a ref to such a list:

        for [ $x, $y, $z ] ( @list ) { ...

        for \@iters ( @list ) { ...

Btw, I hope that operators like C<for> will also be properly prototyped
in perl6.  I expect that would mean that prototyping will be sufficiently
beefed up; including optional and alternative cases.  Hmm, maybe something
regex-like would be needed:  sub my(($|\@)?@&);  Heh.

You know, I would like to pass code blocks in any arg position;
I want  sub foo(&\@&\@&)  to be callable as 

        foo { alpha() } @bravo { charlie() } @delta { echo() };

No C<sub>s, no commas.

John Porter

        We're building the house of the future together.

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