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=head1 TITLE

Add C<list> keyword to force list context (like C<scalar>)

=head1 VERSION

   Maintainer: Nathan Wiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: 29 Aug 2000
   Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Version: 1
   Number: 175
   Status: Developing


Currently, we have a C<scalar> keyword to force scalar context. However,
we have no corresponding C<list> keyword, leading to constructs like

   foo( () = bar() );     # force list context

Which are clumsy, at best. Do they work? Yes. Is it easily readable and
maintainable code? Not really.

This RFC proposes a new keyword, C<list>, which forces list context.
This means the above can simply be written as:

   foo(list bar());       # force list context

Which is consistent with similar uses of C<scalar>, and also makes the
code much more readable. This RFC does NOT propose any other keywords
because they are unnecessary. All data types in Perl are built on lists
and scalars.


=head2 The Proposal

The purpose of this RFC is to increase clarity, make easy things easier,
and make Perl contexts more accessible. It is not to supplant the
current implicit typing methods, which are a beautiful thing.

The new C<list> context keyword makes things clearer and easier to
understand in some situations, just like C<scalar>:

   foo(list bar());         # easy
   foo( () = bar() );       # not as easy

   foo(bar());              # easy
   foo(scalar bar());       # not as easy

   $count = list split /!/; # easy
   $count = () = split /!/; # not as easy

   my($arg1) = func;        # easy
   my $arg1 = list func;    # not as easy

   my $num = @a;            # easy
   my($num) = scalar @a;    # not as easy

   my($nextvar) = scalar <STDIN>;   # Camel-3 p. 778, for clarity
   my $nextvar = <STDIN>;   # implicit
Here, C<list> can be used to force list context, just like C<scalar> can
be used to force scalar context. And, as the Camel-3 example shows, it
can be used for greater clarity if you so desire just like C<scalar>.

There are several arguments against C<list>, so I'll spend the remainder
of the RFC addressing them. There has already been a huge discussion on
this as well; please see the REFERENCES for links to the thread.

=head2 Arguments Against

=head3 We don't need C<list>, it's unnecessary

So is C<scalar>. There are ways around using C<scalar>, just as there
are ways around using C<list>. While they are not exactly analogous
workarounds, there is still no real reason C<scalar> is needed and
C<list> is not. Consider:

   $num = scalar @a;     # scalar explicit
   $num = @a;            # scalar implicit
   $num = list @a;       # list explicit
   ($num) = @a;          # list implicit

We don't need 6 trigonometric functions, either - everything can be
derived from C<sin>. However, we support them to make easy things
easier. The same philosophy should apply here.

=head3 What next, C<hash>, C<boolean>, and other keywords?

No. Every Perl data type is built on either a C<list> (arrays and
hashes) or a C<scalar> (scalars) context. Other contexts are not
analogous or even closely related.

=head3 Forcing C<list> context is not a common problem

If it weren't, then it wouldn't have spawned a huge discussion already.
Also, Perl books would not have to make special notes of how to
artificially enforce C<list> context with special constructs:

   () = funkshun();
   $x = ( () = funk() );

Which could be easily rewritten as:

   list funkshun;
   $x = (list funk);        # with one keyword, or...
   $x = scalar list funk;   # can chain to make explicit

Thanks to the new C<list> keyword.

=head3 The keyword C<list> adds nothing new

Except clarity, simplicity, and consistency, without having to sacrifice
any part of the existing language. If you don't like it, don't use it.


Hold on.


None. This adds new functionality.


Camel-3, p. 778 (The section on C<scalar>)

Thanks to Bart Lateur for his input

There was an extensive, heated discussion between Tom C and myself on
this topic. I will post a link to the email archive as a follow-up after
this posts (it is not currently available on

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