On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 02:57:01PM -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> > Ooop, didn't even notice and didn't see the discussion.  Let me see if
> > I missed anything... I didn't discuss class methods as opposed to
> > object methods.  Will ponder.
> It's really dicey. I think it's probably bad, because there's no way to
> tell here:
>    print "Your name is Class->name";
> Whether Class is 'Class' or Class(). The phrase "avoid at all costs"
> comes to mind. ;-)

Hmmm... we could require that the trailing parens be there:

    print "Your name is Class->name()";

This has precedence in dynamic method calls, ie. C<$obj->$meth()>
where the parens are used to disambiguage the statement.

> !@()*&!@@!$(*&!_)(@*_!

That should compile cleanly in Perl 6.

> > C<eval "require $class"> isn't that hard, but I wouldn't mind seeing a
> > more obvious way.
> Nothin' leaps out. My brain hurst.

How's about this?

    package UNIVERSAL;  
    sub require {  
        my($class) = shift;  
        my $return = eval "CORE::require($class)";  
        die $@ if $@;  
        return $return;  
    package main;
    my $class = 'CGI'; 
    print $class->header; 

It would be nice if there could be a corresponding use() but that
would be in conflicting with the run-time nature of $class and method
calls.  Still, this:

        BEGIN { $class->require;  $class->import }   # use $class

is more obvious than this:

        BEGIN { eval "require $class";  $class->import }  # use $class

and has the virtue of preserving the death if the require() fails.
(Most people forget to check $@ when they use the eval/require trick)

> > This combines the problems of symbolic references PLUS busting
> > encapsulation.  Shouldn't be easy.
> I'd just settle for easiER than this:
>    &{"${mypkg}::do_stuff"}(@a)  # &{$mypkg.'::'."do_stuff"}(@_) too
> It only busts encapsulation if you're using it as an object. If you just
> want to get to a function without importing it, then you've gotta type
> lots.

OO isn't the only coding style which involves encapsulation, but I'll
concede the point.  

However, how often do you find yourself with the name of a package in
a variable and the function hardcoded?  Seems a strange occasion since
rarely will two non-OO packages implement interchangable functions.
If you find yourself needing that sort of thing often, perhaps it
should be rewritten as OO.

> I'm feelin' an RFC retraction comin' on...

[Schwern rubs his black gloved hands gleefully and cuts another notch
 into his black hat.]


Michael G Schwern      http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just Another Stupid Consultant                      Perl6 Kwalitee Ashuranse
Long, long time ago, in a far away galaxy, cells were formed. Cells are
building blocks of different chemicals.
             --Alex Chiu, Immortality Guy

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