On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, Bennett Todd wrote:

> Yup, I'm a sick little monkey who truly doesn't care about anything
> other than US-ASCII

Please keep your fetishes and/or geocentricism to yourself. There is no
need to propose that others should share them. If Perl is going to exist
into the future, if Perl is going to be a great programming language for
Humans, then it needs to support the different ways that Humans

It's doing a better job at it all the time. Extending the context of
C<tr///> is an excellent general sollution to many problems, in many
languages. While it has been suggested that C<tr///> isn't for
counting... well, the p5 manual says it IS for counting, amoung other
things. If it is a general language tool that makes counting easy as a
side effect, this is wonderful. And if making it a more general tool by
extending it's context makes it even better for counting, who does this
hurt? There are certainly those of us it would help.

And yes, a list of 250 items to store 5 items is HUGE. There is no way to
know how many items I will have. O(N*50) is never going to make me
happy. Which is why right now I would have to use a funky C<map>
and C<eval>. Or a map and a match and an index, but that's a lot of
frivilous temp variables.

Paris Sinclair    |    4a75737420416e6f74686572
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