Paris Sinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> But as soon as a person labels me a minority, and implies that because I
> have been labeled such that I am a rioter, and that my opinions are
> based upon this label, then your choices are to filter me, or to listen
> to me protest.

Then perhaps you shouldn't have labelled him Euro-centric if you didn't
want a sarcastic response in kind.

I'd just prefer that we discussed the technical issues without this
pointless bickering.  If you were offended, fine; say you were offended
and move on.  I was offended by your implication that people who don't
agree with you are saying that only European scripts matter.  But please
don't escalate the argument as part of being offended.

I'll now stop replying to this thread.  Sorry for sticking my nose in; it
really bugs me when this happens in i18n discussions.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <>

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