At 03:32 PM 10/2/00 -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> > Maybe I'm just being dense, but why shouldn't arrays and hashes inherit
> > attributes from UNIVERSAL?  tie()ing an array is really just like being
> > able to call object methods on it distinct from its members, no?  So arrays
> > and hashes could be objects too.  Hmm, am I saying that I should be able to
> > write @array->method()?
>I think under tie this is *exactly* what we should be aiming for. I
>think this is awesome.

RFC 82 would probably prefer that this have a component-wise interpretation :-)

>However, making it a UNIVERSAL method also dictates that this:
>    my SomeType @a :someattr;
>*must* be either:
>    1. a builtin type
>    2. tied
>To get its attributes back out. I'm not sure this is going to always be

It must be my sinuses.  I don't get that at all.  Firstly, @a can't be tied 
before that statement since you only just declared it; the tie would have 
to follow.  Secondly, if the declaration declares @a as belonging to class 
SomeType, then unless is perverse enough to override the 
attributes() method, why won't @a->attributes go through to 
UNIVERSAL?  Whether or not SomeType is builtin?

Or are we talking apples and oranges and the above declaration is intended 
to declare that any *member* of @a is of SomeType, never mind the array 

>  In particular, what if SomeType was like "int", and you were just
>trying to assert that each individual element was going to be SomeType?
>If these problems were resolved, then I must admit to having a perverse
>softspot for being able to say:
>    my packed @bits :long;
>    %attrs = @bits->attributes;
>I dunno...I like the way that looks for some reason... ;-)

Me too.
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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