On Sun, Oct 01, 2000 at 11:49:51AM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> David> I was primarily addressing the issue of the P5P allowing the
> David> language to be controlled by corporate presence through a
> David> purchased pumking, and not taking responsibility for the
> David> language sufficient to protect it against corruption (technical
> David> and political), and choosing rather to follow the man rather
> David> than look where they're going. I've no idea why Sarathy was
> David> deposed, but I have a pretty big suspicion. [...]

> Please take your paranoia elsewhere.  I think if you actually sat down
> and had lunch with each of the parties involved, and those further out
> but well-informed, you'd find a consistent view of reality that
> doesn't match ANY of your delusions.

> To be a contribution to the community, you must have some higher
> degree of trust than you are demonstrating.  If you can't manage that
> on your own, seek assistance elsewhere.

FWIW, I agree entirely with Randal here.


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