On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 03:40:26PM -0700, Peter Scott wrote:
> >Don't forget that those BEGIN blocks are *supposed* to be instructions
> >to the compiler.
> Er, but a lot of people seem to use them for other things :-)

Then they're going to have a shock. This isn't Perl 5 any more, Toto.

> What about introducing a pragma which either (a) promises not to use such 
> things, or (b) throws an exception if the program does use such constructs, 
> and say "if you want your programs to be compilable (or compile to 
> something a heck of a lot lighter), say 'use strict "compilation"' or 
> whatever"?

Why bother? We can tell if such a thing is going to be introduced from the op
tree. It only matters when we want to compile things, and I'm guessing that's
going to be the minority of cases. When Joe Random writes his one-liner, I
don't want to interfere with him.

If God had a beard, he'd be a UNIX programmer.

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