A very good non-programmer friend of mine just read yet another 
discussion on the Schwartzian Transform, and had this to say:

> So, having just plowed through more than I ever wanted to about
> the Schwartzian Transform:
> Is there some way to hard-code this into Perl6? Seems like it
> would be incredibly useful.

We're all for making easy things easy, but the complexities of
"map {} sort {} map {} @list" has always been befuddling to newbies,
especially when reading the code left-to-right.

Loooking over dev.perl.org/rfc, only two RFCs mention sorting:
        RFC 124: Sort order for any hash
        RFC 304: sort algorithm to be selectable at compile time

and none mentioning the Schwartz.  :-)

This message is not an RFC, nor is it an intent to add a feature 
to Perl or specify a syntax for that feature[*].  I just posted it to
get the idea into the archives as a (possibly) useful way to improve Perl.

>From a cursory glance, it didn't seem to have been mentioned yet in the
discussions about Perl6. (Please correct me if I'm wrong here.)


*: There are still 4 months until TPC5.  Damian may have a source
   filter to do this by then.  :-) :-)

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