At 10:50 AM 3/26/2001 -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
> >>>>> "SC" == Simon Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   SC> Why can't Perl automagically do a Schwartzian when it sees a
>   SC> comparison with complicated operators or functions on each side of
>   SC> it?  That is, @s = sort { f($a) <=> f($b) } @t would Do The Right
>   SC> Thing.
>because that would require the PSI::ESP module which isn't working
>yet. how would perl intuit exactly the relationship between the records
>and the keys extraction and comparison?

I'm kinda puzzled by the focus on Schwartzian when I thought the GRT was 
demonstrated to be better.  Anyway, all we need is a syntax for specifying 
an extraction function and whether the comparison is string or numeric.  If 
the parser can be persuaded to accept an array ref instead of a block, how 

         sort [ '<=>' => \&f ] @t

doing The Right Thing?  I guess you could also pragmatize it if you wanted 
a particular transform:

         use sort qw(schwartzian);

Someone could probably turn this into "use the schwartz".

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