> The reward?  English-speaking children learn what is arguably the most
> flexible and expressive spoken language in the world.

Oh good hell. 

> Yup.  Remember, Larry Wall is a linguist by training--he learned in school
> about human languages.  He applied this knowledge to Perl.

I wish I had learned about human languages in school. That ape stuff got
old real quick.

> On another note, perhaps we should set up something where longer names for
> some special variables are built in.  How's $}PERLVERSION sound?

Yeah, that's a good idea. Not.

> Perl is hard to compare with any other languages except those it borrowed
> heavily from or those that borrowed heavily from it.  I don't think Perl has
> borrowed much from Pascal (besides maybe the " : " syntax for attributes) so
> Perl and Pascal are hard to compare.

Uh ..

> So the basic question is, readability or usability?  I say usability.

I say ":ability". 

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