At 12:31 PM 4/9/2001 +1000, Greg Boug wrote:
> > David Whipp wrote:
> > IOW, simply to have AWTDI is one of the worst reasons to add a
> > feature.  If it doesn't make the language *better*, LEAVE IT OUT.
>The same is true for anything... Sometimes a minimalist approach
>is the right way to do it... The problem is to make sure when
>using a minimalist approach that you don't make it too small...

I think the more important thing is to not add completely redundant 
features without a really good reason, and features in general without a 
good reason.

Statement modifiers are a good example. They are, arguably, a very 
redundant thing, but they add an awful lot of expressive power to the 
language, and are worth the redundancy.

>Personally, I'd prefer that the feature creep doesn't rear its
>ugly head with Perl 6...

Now there's the single biggest pipe dream I've seen in a long while. :)

> > So are we to the point of making LWP a built-in?
> > I hope not.
>So do I... Not all Perl applications are built around
>CGI/Web applications... :) That's what "libraries" are
>for... ;)

"Any suitably advanced library is indistinguishable from a builtin". I, for 
one, would like to bundle code to handle all the common protocols (SMTP, 
NNTP, NNTP, Mail, HTTP, and SOAP, at least) in with perl 6, or with the 
perl 6 common library.

While I don't know if Larry will mandate it, I would like this code:

   open PAGE, "";
   while (<PAGE>) {
         print $_;

to dump the HTML for the main page of to get dumped to stdout.

>*knock knock* Hello? Abstraction? Are you there????

Don't forget that human language expresses concrete things as much or more 
than it does abstract things. Perl is at least partially a human language.

Abstraction is nice, but it's abstraction made concrete that does the heavy 
lifting. An abstract bicycle isn't going to get a real problem very far...


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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