At 09:47 AM 4/16/2001 -0700, Peter Scott wrote:
>At 12:11 PM 4/16/01 -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
>>There are a number of reasons to *not* claim to parse perl 5 code.
>>*) We won't load any perl 5 XS code
>>*) We won't be getting the corner cases, and perl5 has a *lot*.
>>*) It complicates the interpreter if we need to add code to support 
>>things that perl 6 doesn't do. (*ocugh*typegobs*cough*)
>>*) It makes the parser that much more work to write. Even if we switch 
>>parser code entirely when going from perl 5 to perl 6 and back, someone 
>>still has to write the code in the first place.
>>*) It's even more complexity, which is just that much more stuff we can 
>>potentially break
>>*) It sets up the expectation (rightly so, IMNSHO) in the user community 
>>that we eat and process all perl 5 code correctly, and we just aren't 
>>going to. Despite our best efforts we're not going to.
>As a very low-tech solution, why not bundle perl 5 *with* perl 6 so that 
>once perl 6 detects that it's been fed perl 5 code, it can send it to the 
>perl 5 compiler/interpreter.

Besides the size and clunkiness issues, there's another problem. String 
evals in a perl 5 section of code will expect to be parsed as perl 5, which 
kinda precludes the whole "compile perl 5 to bytecode and pass it through 
the p526 converter" solution. Makes mixing and matching perl5 and perl 6 
code rather more difficult. :(


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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