Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Dan Sugalski writes:
>: Have you considered allowing Unicode characters as alternatives to some of 
>: the less pleasant looking bits? $foo<<1>> (where << and >> are the double 
>: angle characters) as an alternative to $foo\Q[1] if the user's got the 
>: characters handy?
>Actually, my first thought a year or three ago was to replace qw()
>with «», but we just aren't there with the Unicode editors yet.
>My keyboard seems to be missing a few of the characters, too.  :-)

MultiKey < < is what it takes «here». But I don't see why AltGr < should
not work (SuSE Linux's keymap is so un-mnemonic compared to Sun's compose
key scheme).

Nick Ing-Simmons
who is looking for a new job see

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