* Jonathan Scott Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [05/21/2001 09:39]:
> If anything, all variables should have a "value" property that evaluates
> to its, well, value and only that property would be considered in
> conditionals.  Then these would be equivalent:
>       print keys (+$foo).prop;
>       print keys $foo.value.prop;

Damn, this is really starting to look like JavaScript, and that's just
plain scary. ;-)

I think we should step back and think: Why would we want these to have
separate spaces? Regardless of the syntax, semantically why would you
want to have separate value/variable properties?

The more I've been thinking about it, it seems that properties should
really just be declared as value-dependent or independent. That is, some
are permanent (compiler hints, types, etc) and others change based on
the value assigned to the var (truth, etc).

   # Whatever the syntax is...

   module Dog;

   property barks { ... }       # or "is permanent" ?
   property true is value_dependent { ... }

So if you said:

   my Dog $spot is true, barks = new Terrier;

   $spot = 1;

   print "Spot is alive!" if $spot;        # prints
   print "Spot barks!" if $spot.barks;     # prints

   $spot = 0;

   print "Spot is alive!" if $spot;        # DOES NOT print
   print "Spot barks!" if $spot.barks;     # prints

Really, what you want is some properties to be clobbered by value
assignment, and others to be permanent. That way you get the correct
semantics by just saying:

   if ( $spot.true ) { ... }

Instead of the inevitable:

   if ( $spot.true || $spot.value.true ) { ... }

If they were kept separate.


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