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On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 06:06:27PM -0500, Me wrote:
> > modeling of the whole database
> Doesn't seem like it's hard to do.

HA!  Think "Lights Out":!

You may wish to read this thread about lazy arrays and object
persistence to get an idea of what you're getting into.

I'm not trying to discourage you (well, maybe I am), just trying to
transplant some hind-sight from me to you.

> Table:
>     A 2d array.

Rows are refered to by primary keys.  Primary keys are often not
numbers.  Switch to a hash and you might have a chance.

>     Whatever is introduced to more directly support
>     handling MD arrays could very plausibly help in
>     more directly supporting handling of single table
>     data. This includes basic syntax, and 
>     standardized MD array sorting

If you can map an aribtrary Perl sort function onto SQL and do it
efficiently AND make it work on more than one database, I will be
extremely impressed.

>     filtering, and aggregating functions
>     (which will all but inevitably emerge once standard
>     direct support for MD arrays is in place).

Again, this must all be mapped onto SQL.  To do this efficiently is
extremely difficult.

> "Virtual dataset" from one table:
>     A 2d 'slice' or rectangle. Both slices must support,
>     er, discontiguousness.
>     'Horizontal' slice picks certain fields from the set
>     available. I would expect it to be a small (or zero)
>     hop, from whatever MD array syntax Perl 6 ends
>     up with, to having a slice serve as a field selector.

Two problems.  SQL columns have names, not numbers.  Refering to them
by number is a Great Leap Backward.  Use a hash.

>     'Vertical' slice picks certain records based on
>     column data.

The 23rd row of a table doesn't have much meaning without a sort
order.  Even then, its relatively rare to want to pick out the 23rd
row of a SELECT.  Typically you just get them in order.  Occasionally
you'll want a slice (ie. rows 51-100) but few databases support this
syntax efficiently (MySQL is an exception).

A filehandle would be a closer analogy.  In fact, its very close.
Trying to model an SQL table as an array is similar to modeling a file
as an array.  For example, $lines = @file; is expensive just as $rows
= @select (assuming there's a WHERE clause involved).  $file[42] and
$select[42] are also both expensive.  And what do you do with rows
0..41?  Throw them out?  Hang onto them and eat memory?

> Dataset from multiple 'joined' tables
>     (A pair of joined tables can be visualized as two
>     spreadsheet like grids that intersect at right angles
>     with the intersection point being the joined column.
>     The vertical slice picks out rows where the joined
>     column values from the two tables are the same.)

That will only work for extremely simple joins.

Michael G Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl6 Quality Assurance     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       Kwalitee Is Job One

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