Linguistically, "if then else, otherwise" doesn't make sense, since 'else' 
and 'otherwise' are synonymous. 

? : : suffers from the same problem, just in terms of the ternary ?: 
operator (which of course, wouldn't be ternary anymore) instead of English.  
I'm not sure if there will be ambiguity where the standalone colon is being 
used elsewhere, but I suspect that it would make parsing more difficult.  
(At least in a BNF grammar.)

Regardless of how you perceive the results of <=> and cmp, it's still two 
conditionals.  Something has to make the differentiation between positive 
and negative.

You're simply asking for another way of writing 'if {} elsif {} else {}', 
because you don't like 'elsif'.  Fine.  As has been said before, use a 

given ($cond) {
    when 1:
    when 0:
    when -1:

Is the marker still ^_?

given ($cond) {
    when ^_ > 0:
    when ^_ < 0:
    default:  # Or whatever default will be named.

Still too verbose?  Let's look at your example....

> $whereCond =  $cond ? ' field > $x AND ' : '' : ' field < $x AND';
> $Query = qq{ SELECT .... FROM ... WHERE $whereCond ...};

I think if you specify WHERE you need a clause.
'SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE' doesn't make sense.

my @c = qw( = > < );
$x = 60;
foreach my $cond (40 <=> $x,60 <=> $x,80 <=> $x) {     
    $query = qq{ SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE field $c[$cond] $x };
    print "$query\n";

Even less to type.  Maybe not all *that* clear, but no less than ?:, ?::, 
and ?:?: all meaning different things.
Bryan C. Warnock

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