%MY:: manipulates my lexical pad.  If, to resolve a variable, I have to 
search backwards through multiple pads (that's a metaphysical search, so as 
to not dictate a physical search as the only behavior), that's a different 

Consider it like, oh, PATH and executables:
`perl` will search PATH and execute the first perl found, but 'rm perl' will 
not.  It would only remove a perl in my current scope..., er, directory.

On Thursday 06 September 2001 08:28 am, Dave Mitchell wrote:
> > > my $x = 100;
> > > {
> > >     my $x = (%MY::{'$x'} = \200, $x+1);
> > >     print "inner=$x, ";
> > > }
> > > print "outer=$x";
> > >
> > > I'm guessing this prints inner=201, outer=200

Oops, I may have been wrong.  This might give you {some random number}, 100,
depending on how the reference is handled.

What you are, in essence, doing, is creating a lexical $x in my current 
scope, and setting that to be a reference to 200.  You're then taking that 
newly created lexical $x, adding 1 to it (which currently is adding one to 
the address of the constant, but whatever), and that is being stored in, 
effectively, itself.

> >
> I was just trying to confirm whether similar semantics apply to the use of
> %MY:: - ie when used where a lexical has been defined but not yet
> introduced, does %MY{'$x'} pick up the inner or outer lex?
> I especially wanted to confirm whether delete %MY{'$x'} will delete the
> outer $x because the inner one isn't yet quite in scope.

The delete should be no-oppish, as the lexical variable doesn't exists yet 
in the current lexical scope.  If you want to mess with your parent's scope, 
you have to mess with it directly, not indirectly.

Bryan C. Warnock

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