On Sat, Jan 26, 2002 at 09:28:18AM -0800, Peter Scott wrote:
> >    %foo{"bar"}

It's bare, and it's a word.

I presume you're also happy with these ambiguities:
    $foo{shift} vs. $foo{"shift"}

    $foo{bar} vs. sub bar() { ... } $foo{bar} 
              vs. $foo{+bar} 
              vs. $foo{bar()}
              vs. $foo{"+bar"} 
              vs. $foo{"bar()"}

and they never cause any problems?

> Pacific Systems Design Technologies
> http://www.perldebugged.com

Although I suppose if we make it harder for people to write buggy 
Perl, there's less of a market for debugging books. :)

10. The Earth quakes and the heavens rattle; the beasts of nature flock
together and the nations of men flock apart; volcanoes usher up heat
while elsewhere water becomes ice and melts; and then on other days it
just rains. - Prin. Dis.

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