On Sun, Jan 27, 2002 at 03:44:07PM -0800, Peter Scott wrote:
> Count me among the crazed whales/mad dolphins/whatever you were referring 
> to.  It would make it easier to explain to beginners the rules for calling 
> functions by eliminating a qualification ("You can leave empty parens off 
> only if perl has already seen a definition or a declaration"), and it 
> wouldn't kill me to put empty parens on argumentless function calls.

There's plenty of good counter-arguments against this.
I don't know what they are yet, naturally, but this is perl6-language,
and so perfectly good counter-arguments have a habit of materialising
out of thin air.

> On the other other hand, I seem to recall something about how Perl 6 should 
> be easier to parse, and this issue is the poster child for the "Only perl 
> can parse Perl" camp. 

That reminds me...

I washed a sock.  Then I put it in the dryer.  When I took it out, it was gone.
        -- Steven Wright

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