Oh. Sorry. I suppose there was no discussion because there were no 
objections. I support it strongly. But everyone's already heard my 
opinion, and my opinion, and my opinion about it, so I'll be quiet now.


On 6 May 2002, Aaron Sherman wrote:

> It's odd, folks are still talking about the icky elsstuff, but I never
> saw any discussion of my BNF proposal. Was it that no one saw it, that
> my BNF was too rusty, or the idea of abandoning elsif for (in
> pseudo-ebnf)
>       FLOW =
>           ((if|unless|while|for) (E|CLOSURE_ARGS) | loop [E;E;E])
>                               BLOCK
>           [else
>                               (FLOW|BLOCK)] ;
> was discounted out of hand?
> I'd really like to hear why something so almost absurdly simple could be
> totally wrong. Heck, you could keep elsif around as a legacy if you
> wanted, but it becomes rather pointless. Doesn't this make the grammar
> shorter, and thus parsing more efficient as well?
> Someone had questioned the value of my example, so let me cite another:
>     while $fh.getline -> $_ {
>       ...
>     } else for @users -> $user {
>       send_mail $user, "Hello, $user, the file was empty";
>     } else if openlog $$, 'pid', 'user' {
>       syslog 'notice', "The file was empty!";
>     } else {
>       die "Cannot even invoke syslog... a bad day: $!";
>     }
> This is a very clear chain of causality. I could re-write it with nested
> ifs and the like, but here we see the very heart of what I was trying to
> do, with very little waste.

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