Allison wrote:

> I still don't like the idea of C<elsif>s on loops. I already do an
> instant double take with C<else> of "Where's the if?" (with visions of
> old Wendy's commercials dancing in my head). It seems that a long string
> of C<elsif>s (possibly separated by other long intervening sections of
> code) would make the expectation even stronger when I was trying to read
> through someone's code. But, that is a matter of habit and could be
> retrained.

I don't much like C<els*> on loops either. I suspect that when things get that
hairy (which is not often) you probably do need an explicit overarching
if/elsif/else (or, better yet, a switch statement).

Damian, now having terrible visions of someone suggesting C<elswhen> ;-)

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